Heavily inspired by The Scoop, I started this blog in early 2022, when my professor and mentor, Derek Willis, said to me, “You should write about how you solved that,” when I was trying to use GitHub Actions with Selenium in a News Apps class at the University of Maryland.

That was my only post — until now. In the interest of transparency, I have not deleted the post — it is still accessible by a direct link, or you can find it on the Internet Archive (and even in my git history). But it’s hidden from the post index — because of discontinued maintenance of the repository I created to supplement this post.

But looking ahead, here, I want to talk more about what I think, what I do, and how I do it. This includes — but is not limited to — general nerdery around tools I rely on, apps I use, and coding hacks I learn.

I look forward to writing more regularly about what I have made my life: The intersection of technology and journalism. If you have any questions about this site — or want to connect generally — you can always email me at aadit DOT tambe AT gmail DOT com.

Note: The posts on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.